Martin Luther King Jr. Zoom Celebration
To celebrate the late and great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s holiday and birthday, Empowering Youth Towards Excellence hosted a virtual event to honor his well-known and lesser-known accomplishments during the Civil Rights movement. The event included a presentation with visuals of some of the most influential events and people in the Civil Rights movement and an open discussion in which people of all ages and walks of life shared their thoughts about Dr. King's legacy. EYTE's celebration was not just a history lecture of MLK, it was an open discussion about the lesser known and controversial work that Dr. King, along with organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, had performed and information that is often left out of the textbook in schools. It was an event to emphasize one of Dr. King's greatest messages that "everybody can be great because anybody can serve".
If you would like to watch EYTE's Martin Luther King Jr. presentation click on the video posted below and to stay up to date on upcoming virtual events, follow Empowering Youth Towards Excellence on Instagram and sign up for the Seasonal Newsletter email campaign on the website.